
Scarborough Fair/Canticle - Simon & Garfunkel




说起《毕业生》,有点老的片子了,一直没机会看,很经典,大概和《麦田里的守望者》或者《阿甘》有一些相同之处吧。配乐除了这首很有名好听的就是《Sound Of Silence》了,个人就歌曲本身更偏爱后者,但是《Scarborough Fair》有着个人的一些回忆。

这首歌更多人听过的是莎拉布莱曼的版本吧,不过还是认为Paul Simon将这首可以追溯到中世纪的婉转哀伤直达人心的古老英国乐曲演绎地更好,记得初中的时候和好朋友比赛选了这首歌,结果到了前一天晚上才发现明天就比了,因为是代表班级所以决定去我吉他老师家里练个通宵,就这样,三个人再加上我的老师火急火燎,编谱子,除却我们两人的长笛和吉他,本来只负责唱的那个朋友愣是被我老师要求还要拍手鼓,更是手忙脚乱,当时练得就是Simon的这个版本,有点乡村有点民谣淡淡哀伤的曲子配上我死党真的飘渺好听的声音,在黑夜当中回荡,当时的我们却没有丝毫心情放松享受,但是现在想起来,反而有一种似曾相识的舒适享受感。为我们忙的水都没顾上喝的老师,真是要谢谢了。后来我们拿了一等奖,大家从礼堂出来都笑我们真是纯天然手工伴奏,就这样,这首歌就不只属于《毕业生》,也有着我和死党的美妙记忆了。

Are you going to Scarborough Fair?

Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme.

Remember me to one who lives there,

She once was the true love of mine.

Tell her to make me a cambric shirt.

Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme.

Without no seams nor needlework.

Then she'll be a true love of mine.

Tell her to find me an acre of land.

Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme.

Between salt water and the sea strand.

Then she'll be a true love of mine.

Tell her to reap it in a sickle of leather.

Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme.

And gather it all in a bunch of heather.

Then she'll be a true love of mine.

Are you going to Scarborough Fair?

Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme.

Remember me to one who lives there,

She once was a true love of mine.

On the side of a hill in the deep forest green 绿林深处山冈旁

Tracing of sparrow on the snow crested brown在白雪皑皑的山顶追逐雀儿

Blankets and bedclothes the child of the mountain)裹在毯子和床单里的山之子

Sleeps unaware of the clarion call熟睡中不觉号角声声呼唤

On the side of a hill a sprinkling of leaves小山旁几片小草叶

Washes the grave with silvery tears滴下的银色泪珠冲刷着坟茔

A soldier cleans and polishes a gun士兵擦拭着他的枪

War bells blazing in scarlet battalion猩红的枪弹伴随战鼓隆隆

Generals order their soldiers to kill将军们命令麾下的士兵杀戮

And to fight for a cause they`ve long ago forgotten为一个早已遗忘的理由而战


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